Premiered in 2019, Shanghai Ballet brings a brand new version of ballet The Lady of the Camellias. The production is based on the world-known classic novel La Dame Aux Camelias by Alexandre Dumas, and is choreographed by Derek Deane Artistic Director of Shanghai Ballet. The story in this production is told in “flashback” and starts when Marguerite is nearly at the end of her life and then goes back in time to tell the poignant and fervent love between her and Armand. The production is based on the character of Margarite whose character allows many changes of atmosphere and dramatic moments throughout the storytelling and how her lifestyle and her illnesses bring this tragedy to its close. The music score is written by Carl Davis, the Composer of BBC drama Pride and Prejudice. His music enhances the climatic prominence of the story, takes the audience on an exhilarating ride.
Dates/Time: 19 – 20 Nov/1915 hrs
Prices: RMB 680/580/480/380/280
Venue: Shanghai International Dance Center Grand Theater
For more information and ticketing reservations, please visit here.